Julia King
As early as I remember, I was a curious dreamer, asking questions about life and this reality. Growing up, I would stare at the church's icons. I especially remember Archangel Michael with his sword slaying whatever was not of the truth and light. When I started doing healing work – Michael was always by my side as a protector and guide. I found mysticism and dreams beautiful and nourishing.
I explored many different cultures, looking for a common uniting thread. I was attracted to the esoteric sound and light yoga taught by the masters of the far east, and simultaneously, the psychedelic era arrived. I created an off-campus curriculum versus traditional education. I studied Polarity Therapy, Astrology, and Flower Essences in-depth, which supported physical, mental, and emotional healing. Even though I was a meditator, some of life's experiences left me bewildered. When I consulted a high-level channel, I was told that "You have many appointments in this life, and everything is right on schedule."
The trials and tribulations opened the way to learning healing methods, which enhanced healing self and assisting others. I learned that there is no blame and the relationship challenges were like being in a potent jewel tumbler and in that light- perfect contributions to life's journey. Everything is energy. This life is a gift, and there is much love all around us. I found my mission early on, working with a beloved teacher and mentor. She rubbed my back as the words slowly and emotionally came out of me: "My mission is to learn that all change is self-change and teach it." This has been challenging, rewarding, and empowering. I was certified to teach clairvoyant meditation and healing after intensive training and apprenticeship. I teach others how to read and heal energy within themselves and their clients.
As I learned from many clairvoyant schools, healers, and shamans, my modern mysticism path was enhanced. All of my travels and explorations helped me discover, integrate, and own the different parts of myself and find love and happiness within. I could then serve others and the planet. We are meant to be happy.
Member of SHES International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards, Lightweaver Chapter
Cross-Cultural Shamanic Studies - Coastal, Mountain, and Jungle traditions
Meditation & Energy Healing - Ann Arbor Practical Psychic
Dream Ambassador - Robert Moss School of Dreams-Mosswood Hollow
Chakradance(c) Facilitator