The Life-Changing Magic of Switchwords


Is there something you would like to change?

Do you ever wish that you could turn on a switch to change something in your life? Do you know that there is such a switch? It is a flip switch in the form of a word called a Switchword. There are quite a few of them.

Your attention is like an arrow that tells your life force and energy where to go. Using a single word, you can be a skilled archer and tell your attention what you want to focus on, what you would like to create.

Switchwords are a powerful focusing tool used like a mantra, an affirmation, or a declaration and like software commands for the mind.

People have been using Switchwords for almost 60 years to create what they want more of in their life. CANCEL became a popular word to erase, eliminate negativity, or dis-create something, just like you cancel actions on your computer. The Switchword CANCEL is also used to eliminate debt.

COUNT is a wonderful Switchword to use. If your income has changed or you would like another income stream, COUNT may bring unexpected resources like a refund you've forgotten about, an invite to a new opportunity, a bonus, a raise, a new client. You do have to believe. And beliefs will be for another blog.

Is there something you have misplaced or forgotten and want to remember or find? REACH is the word for you. It's entirely possible you could say REACH and then jump out of bed, and without thinking, your hand may lead you right to your misplaced object. REACH can work like that. REACH is for solving a problem. Try it next time you are putting together a puzzle or playing a challenging game or crossword.

If you have trouble falling asleep, say OFF. Unless you have eaten a bunch of sugar or are caffeine sensitive, this may work for you. If you have a project that needs completion, DONE is the word. DONE is a very powerful Switchword.

TOGETHER is said to be the most potent Switchword. Affirming TOGETHER is a great way to start this New Year for mastery in any activity:




Say TOGETHER to co-create a sustainable and peaceful place to live TOGETHER and enjoy life. Pay attention and use TOGETHER to create harmony with others.

There are many parts to the 'SELF' that make up each person's uniqueness. Our bodies may want one thing and our minds another. We are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and, multi-dimensional beings. Affirming TOGETHER assists in bringing these parts into harmony with each other.

TOGETHER is the Switch word to use whenever something is untogether.

Switchwords can also be combined once we get used to how they work separately. TOGETHERDIVINECOUNT is for a group working on a money-making project, DIVINEORDER for cleaning up a mess or organizing, and TOGETHERBE for peace and good health.

You can use Switchwords and change your experiences and share them with others.


• Pick a Switchword and use it for a while to experience what happens

• First thing in the morning and before you go to sleep are good times to focus on your Switchword

• If your mind wanders to worry instead of focusing on what you desire to create, it is an excellent time to use a Switchword

• Combine Switchwords for expanded benefits

• Put the words on sticky notes as reminders

• Be happy


THE SECRET OF PERFECT LIVING (1963, 1967, 1975) James T. Mangan (1896–1970) Fascinating, creative, and cosmic man.

SWITCHWORDS Easily Give To You Whatever You Want In Life (2006) by Shunyam Nirav. Shunyam lived in Maui, and he also wrote a Hawaiian Organic Growing Guide. His online version used to be available, and it had a colorful image of Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles, on the cover.

A fun video for you and your inner child:


Tenaya Wieczorek